Thursday, October 22, 2009



So y'all watched the premiere of Peak Season on MTV last night, right?

If so, I'm sure you had a great ol' time laughing and judging those fine people who signed release forms and let themselves be filmed for our entertainment.

Well, after I asked cast members Dre Morell and Lauren Horton a few questions about the show last week, I had to get their opinions on a few things really important to me and readers of this blog: music, fashion, and (most importantly) potato chips. Here are some of their faves.

Favourite music artists of the moment:
Lauren: I’m really listening to Hyper Crush, they’re from California and they’re not really popular. They’re awesome. It’s just music that makes you happy and makes you want to dance and party.

Dre: All I listen to is pretty much house or electro. So David Guetta, his new album is all good. And it’s just making house music more acceptable in North America in the clubs and everything.

Favourite designer/stores:
Lauren: I’m not a big shopper. I know I’m a girl, isn’t that weird?

Dre: I’d say I do all my shopping online. 80s Purple is my favourite.

Lauren: I’m kind of getting into that too.

Dre: It’s hard in Whistler. It’s mostly just snowboard shops and that’s it.

Lauren: Yeah, novelty shops where you can get Whistler shirts, and the Olympics – it’s huge with the Olympics. I’m all about finding good deals. I have a hard time spending a lot of money on clothes that rip so, anywhere that’s cheap.

Favourite potato chips:
Lauren: Miss Vickie's Jalapeno.

Dre: Lay's Dill pickle.

Lauren: So good too!

Dre: That is the bee's knees of chips.

And because a transcript can't express the joy any of us felt talking about potato chips, I give you the gift of audio:

Fuck, I love some good chip talk.

I mean, we didn't even get into discussing favourite Doritos flavours, and that's where I really throw down.

And thank goodness they both gave quality answers to that question. If they had said something ridiculous and offensive like "I don't eat potato chips, I only eat saltless, flavourless rice crisps," that probably would've soured me on the whole show.

So in conclusion, as if I wasn't already sold by their charisma and good looks, their enthusiasm for chips definitely convinced me their show is worthy of some weekly viewing.

Thanks again Dre and Lauren

1 comment:

  1. where did you get that greyish hoodie with the 3 buttons by the neck?!
    its such a dope hoodie!
